Since 2019, Taylor and Tim have been working on this product design to make it just right for your tacklebox.
Fish for the Trees™
RocketSlug™ was designed to be used by fishing enthusiasts everywhere!
RocketSlug™️ evolution
Original thought was to design an inexpensive, above-water lure retriever so expensive lures aren’t lost when they get snagged above water.
Taylor designed a few ideas out of a block of styrofoam with an arrow shaft running through the center so it would stay on the fishing line but it wasn’t heavy enough.
Then he worked with the local Technology School to have a 3D printed version mocked up and printed. That version turned out to be too heavy and couldn’t be manufactured.
Next, he worked with the CAD instructor there to ask around for product designers who had expertise in getting products to market and that’s when the CAD instructor tapped one of his colleagues who officed at the Technology School’s Center for Business Development who was a product designer, mechanical engineer, and small business owner with a phenomenal marketing department. His name was Tim Webb.
Tim began designing several concepts that resembled the ice scraper you use on your frozen windshield, a Nerf® Football, and a few other things that looked like movie props. Several iterations of these designs led to 3D prints, snaps, latches, market analysis, kickstarter™ ideas, talks with potential investors, and much more.
After 2 years, RocketSlug™ was born!