This page is intended to help you navigate your way through getting started with RocketSlug™. If you experience difficulty with any steps along the way, please feel free to contact us for assistance. We are happy to support you getting up to speed with your RocketSlug purchase.
Unpackaging your NEW RocketSlug
Taylor walks you through unpacking the RocketSlug package contents, snapping on the lanyard, and practical lessons on launching RocketSlug.
HOW TO Use RocketSlug
We have tried to make it easy to use RocketSlug on your fishing trip. Please watch this helpful video and take notice of a few things about RocketSlug.
Make RocketSlug SNAP! together onto your line.
RocketSlug is designed for above water snags but even works on the water surface.
When throwing RocketSlug, hold your line straight above your head for the most effective throw.
Always practice with your RocketSlug before the big fishing trip so when you need to use RocketSlug, you will be ready.